Fine Art bronze maquette 34 x 18 x 13cm (h x w x d)
A Joyous Moment
Fine Art Bronze Sculpture
The sculpture depicts a joyous mother who is standing, holding her baby in her outstretched arms. The baby is tipped towards her and she is kissing its forehead with great tenderness and undiluted happiness. The sculpture was inspired by seeing my wife holding my son with such tender love that I felt the need to immortalise the moment. Some say that it has echoes of the ‘Save the Children Fund’ logo, but if you can see that, it is completely unintentional!
I think the work is surprisingly powerful and evocative and I’m particularly pleased with its gorgeous patina.
This work is cast as a maquette, but can also be made life size.
Somewhat later, when my son had done some growing, I created another work that I called ‘First Steps’.
It’s a sweet sculpture. It shows a mother helping her young child to walk. You can see it here.